Brighton Dental Clinic

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About the Brighton Dental Clinic

Located on Brighton Road, the Brighton Clinic provides a comfortable, family-friendly environment that’s easy to access and has after-hours appointments for people who find it hard to get to a dentist during regular business hours.

Whether you’re looking for a family dental practice or a dentist that can assist with your particular dental needs, at Dental Care Professionals in Brighton, you’ll receive personal care and the latest treatment options.

Our professional team in Brighton aims to make your next visit to the dentist comfortable, stress-free and pain-free.

The Brighton Clinic Dental Team

Dr. George Atsikbasis Dentist
Dr. Alan A. Fassina Dentist
Tarnya Harkness Hygienist & Oral Therapist
Shelley Tran Hygienist & Oral Therapist
Kylie Miller Hygienist
Theresa Nguyen Hygienist

Brighton Dental Clinic

486 Brighton Road
Brighton SA 5048

Phone: 08 8296 7356
Fax: 08 8296 7356

Monday to Thursday:
8:30am – 5:30pm
Tuesdays & Wednesdays:
8:30am - 8:00pm

Parking: The car park at the rear and southern side of the surgery can be accessed via Gregory Lane or from Brighton Road. Additional parking within the immediate area is free.

Teeth Whitening in Brighton

Everyday pleasures like coffee, tea and wine can eventually lead to discolouration of your tooth enamel. If you like these drinks and start to notice your teeth looking dull and are not as bright as they used to be, teeth whitening treatment may be the solution for you. Modern cosmetic dentistry offers simple, safe and effective treatment options to improve the colour of your teeth and restore your whiter, brighter and lighter smile.

Our professional teeth whitening in Brighton has helped many patients boost their confidence, enhance their appearance and improve their oral care. Be one of our happy clients in Brighton, and smile with confidence.

Photos from before and after

To understand what options are available on the market and know if teeth whitening will work for you, read our Teeth Whitening Guide. We are ready to answer all your pressing questions about teeth whitening and help you understand what to expect.

Dental Hygienist in Brighton

Foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches), such as cakes, candy and soft drinks, are great contributors to plaque buildup, a sticky substance made from leftover food particles. If bacterial deposits from plaque harden, they can turn into tartar. This is why brushing at least twice daily is advised to prevent plaque buildup.

To ensure that tartar and plaque, including those you don’t notice, are removed from your teeth, seek help from a dental hygienist in Brighton. A professional will make sure that your gums and teeth are thoroughly cleaned to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Our dental hygienists in Brighton are accredited, licensed professionals who conduct cleanings and perform preventive oral health procedures. Schedule an appointment with Dental Care Professionals to maintain good oral health and dental hygiene.

Dental Implants in Brighton

Do you have missing or broken teeth which hinder you from chewing and enjoying your food? If you do not want to wear dentures, bridges or crowns, your other option is to get dental implants. The application of dental implants has become one of the most popular procedures in modern dental medicine. It’s a safe procedure performed by a dental professional while you are under local anesthetic.

Dental Implants in Adelaide

We know how one missing tooth can impact the function of your bite and make you feel conscious about your smile. With dental implants in Brighton, we can restore your ability to chew comfortably, boost your confidence and preserve natural tooth tissue.

We have extensive experience to assess your oral needs and determine the best treatment plan. Consult our experts at Dental Care Professionals for a reliable, cost-effective dental implant in Brighton. Learn the benefits of dental implants and call us to book an appointment today!

Root Canal Treatment in Brighton

Swollen gums, tooth discolouration, chipped or cracked tooth, lingering sensitivity to hot or cold and tooth pain—these are common warning signs you might need an endodontic treatment or more commonly known as root canal therapy.

Root Canal Treatment in Adelaide

Root canal treatment aims to restore good oral health by removing all infections from the root canal before sealing the tooth to protect the damaged nerve and prevent further infection. If the nerve inside your tooth has become infected and inflamed, this treatment is the best option to avoid tooth loss and stop the infection from spreading to the jaw.

If you are looking for a professional root canal treatment in Brighton, visit our dental clinic and meet our friendly dentists. We begin the procedure with a thorough examination of your teeth, jaw, gums and mouth to determine the most appropriate course of action for you. Feel free to contact Dental Care Professionals for root canal treatment, and we’d be happy to restore your tooth with a custom-made crown for a perfect fit and natural look and feel.

Full and Partial Dentures in Brighton

If you lost too many teeth because of age-related wear and damage, or because you don’t prioritise your cleaning routine, or you’ve had frequent severe tooth pain but ignored it, don’t delay meeting with your dentist for a thorough dental check-up. If you are too embarrassed to smile because you’re missing half of your teeth, wearing dentures could be for you.

Dentures are one of the most commonly used methods to replace missing teeth, keep your facial muscles from sagging, and make yourself look younger. They are removable devices kept in place by either using clasps and may require glue to ensure they stay in perfect position with your gums.

Do you want to know if you need partial or full dentures or have questions about whether wearing dentures is a suitable option for you? Dental Care Professionals are ready for you! We offer affordable, reliable, and custom-made full and partial dentures in Brighton, so come and visit our clinic.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Brighton

Wisdom tooth removal is often responsible for several dental emergency calls in hospitals and dental clinics around Brighton, but how can you tell if you are a candidate for this procedure? The best way to know if you need your wisdom tooth removed is to visit a dentist for a thorough examination and highly detailed x-rays.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Adelaide

In many cases, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience bleeding and inflamed gums around your wisdom teeth, extreme pain, teeth crowding and jaw issues, among other things. Wisdom teeth are removed if they cause you pain or are likely to in the future.

Whether you have an emergency or would simply like to speak to a professional about wisdom tooth removal in Brighton, come to Dental Care Professionals. Don't ignore the pain because our friendly professionals are here to ensure you will have a comfortable experience. For more information on wisdom teeth removal in Brighton, book a consultation with us today.

Amalgam Fillings in Brighton

Amalgam fillings have been used in dental restorations for over 150 years. Despite the declining interest from patients for amalgam fillings, this restoration option continues to be available due to its reliability and strength. It remains a popular treatment option for people who have older fillings that are beginning to fail and need replacement.

If you are curious about the safety of amalgam fillings, don't hesitate to ask our professionals at Dental Care Professionals. We provide safe and durable amalgam fillings in Brighton, so you can trust that we can answer any enquiry you might have about this treatment.

You can visit our FAQ page to get answers to all your pressing questions about amalgam fillings, or you can book a free consultation to speak with our dentists to get a more detailed explanation of how amalgam fillings work

Dental Dietary Advice in Brighton

The best way to maintain good oral health is to be mindful of what you're putting into your mouth. Watching what you eat and drink will not only help you achieve your desired weight, but it will also help maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

Eating foods high in sugar and starch should be reduced to help maintain optimal oral health. In addition, it is recommended to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day to remove plaque or leftover food particles and avoid tartar buildup.

If you need access to professional Dental Dietary Advice in Brighton, contact our dental hygienists at Dental Care Professionals. Don't be afraid to consult the experts for personalised advice to protect your oral health.

Oral Health and Smoking in Brighton

Smoking can impact your oral health. From sticky tar deposits and chronic bad breath to oral lesions and gum recession, these are just a few of the many detrimental side effects of smoking. These damaging and harmful effects are also why dentists want patients to stop smoking.

Smoking can cause poor oral health and put you at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer too. Protect yourself from a host of dental problems by giving away smoking and watching what you eat and drink. We know quitting this habit can be challenging, but it will make a huge difference in your health and wellbeing.

Get the right support and information about oral health and smoking in Brighton. Dental Care Professionals is dedicated to providing the right advice to help you maintain good oral health and live a healthy lifestyle.

Regular Dental Maintenance & Oral Care in Brighton

Do you want to maintain healthy gums and teeth? The best way to ensure good oral health is to consult a professional and not miss any dental appointments. Your dental hygienist or dentist is the best person to create an appropriate dental treatment plan for you.

Missing regular cleaning appointments can lead to oral problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay. Dental Care Professionals can develop a dental treatment plan appropriate for your needs and a comprehensive examination to ensure you are aware of your current oral health.

Visit our clinic for regular dental maintenance & oral care in Brighton. Meet our professional hygienist or dentist to examine your teeth, gums and surrounding bone and receive a customised treatment plan that will help improve your oral health and give you a confident smile.

Sports Mouthguards in Brighton

Dental injuries can be painful and expensive to treat, which is why mouthguards are worn to reduce your risk of injury, especially if you are participating in sports activities that involve falls, kicks, punches and heavy collisions. Mouthguards are an essential piece of athletic equipment and your best friend during a competition or practice to prevent chipped, broken teeth and even broken jaw.

A mouthguard is the most effective way to prevent injuries like broken teeth, concussion, and broken jaw, which can lead to a long and potentially expensive treatment. If you want specifically designed sports mouthguards in Brighton, our dentist can recommend the best type of mouthguard appropriate for your sport.

You can schedule a consultation with Dental Care Professionals to learn more about sports mouthguards and how they can protect you without compromising comfort and performance. Visit us so we can accurately assess your mouth and provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness.


Dental Appointments Available. New Patients Welcome.

Whether you have an emergency or would like to speak to somebody about a smile makeover, there’s a fast and easy way to schedule your next appointment at either of our dental clinics.